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In-App Purchases Monetization
Monetization Psychology
- smaller teams create more social pressure
- at work – monetization like art or UI – everybody has his opinion
- $0,99 is less painful than $1
- The Rule of a Hundred
- Give deals to players on a silver platter
- Add another “size of popcorn”
- mental wallet
- psychology of waste
- FOMO – fear of missing out
- price sensitivity (sweet spot)
- Feedly pro vs pro+ subscription trick
- price anchoring
In-App Purchases Merchendizing
- In-game shop
- web shop
- personal offers
- triggered offers
- triggers
- hard currently drop below X level
- dynamic offers
- dynamic factor defining personalization – currency in the wallet
- what can be personalized:
- price is a variable
- payout is a variable
- personalization visibility
- invisible to player – purpose – monetize
- visible to player – purpose – drain players
- For a limited time, players were able to purchase a pack of diamonds for a discount – nothing special this far. However, the price for the pack depended on the amount of premium currency players were holding at the time. The less currency you had, the smaller the price tag. It is interesting to see this type of explicit and personalized price segmentation, potentially increasing conversion rates, especially for no/low-spenders
- decoy offers
- hightlight good discount on 2s purchase if you make 1st purchase
- what can be personalized:
- dynamic factor defining personalization – currency in the wallet
- triggers
- triggered offers
- Pricing
- dynamic pricing
- depends on the amout of curreny in the wallet
- dynamic pricing
- Features
- in-game shop
- web shop
- Personal Offers
- Battle Passes
- VIP systems
- Loot boxes / Gacha / Wheel of Fortune
- Piggy Bank
- in-game shop